[awl-ter kawl]
-the portion of a Christian worship/church/ministry service where the pastor invites attendees up to the front of the church to pray the sinner's prayer and become a Christian
Let's use it in a sentence!
During the last five minutes of the Sunday morning service, my pastor always has an altar call in case anyone there isn't saved.
Secular Synonyms:
Find it in the Bible:
This exact phrase does not appear in the Bible
Fun facts:
-Most pastors will ask everyone to bow their head and close their eyes before issuing the altar call. (Even though they are super excited about Jesus, they seem to assume that everyone else will be embarrassed to admit to wanting to follow him.) During that time you will usually hear pastors say "I see that hand, brother....I see that hand." as they notes anyone who responds (or just want to give their congregation the impression people are responding). If no one responds and they are not the type to just pretend that someone did, they will then often launch into a prayer thanking the Lord for a saved house.
-Churches that are extremely intent on ensuring that an altar call is issued at every service will usually have a tally of the "number of souls saved" in their weekly bulletin.
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